Senator Arthur at Idaho Springs, 1902, The Weekly Courier
Courtesy of the Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection
Senator Arthur at Idaho Springs
While Senator and Mrs. J.B. Arthur were up at Idaho Springs last week, Webb Patton, the rustling city editor of the Siftings, got hold of him and secured the following interesting story:
James B. Arthur of Fort Collins, Colorado, accompanied by his wife, are guests at the Club hotel. Mr. Arthur is better known at home as Senator Arthur, having been a member of the last special session of the state legislature. The senator is one of the pioneers of Colorado, having located in Larimer county in the early ‘60s. During that time he has made Fort Collins his home and has seen the town grow from a few houses to one of the largest and most substantial agricultural cities in the west. At present he is interested in the new sugar factory which is to be erected in his home city. “We will have the largest and best equipped factory in the west, “ said the senator when discussing the enterprise. “It will have the capacity of 1,200 tons per day and will furnish employment for a large number of men. We will work on the construction in the near future, so as to have it ready for the fall of 1903.”
“We had no difficulty whatever in securing the necessary capital to carry this big enterprise to a successful issue and the cost will reach $1,000,000 before it is completed.”
Senator Arthur is a Mason in high standing and was in attendance upon the dedication of the new school which took place on Tuesday.